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Monday, January 16, 2012

Congratulations Ms. Octavia Spencer on winning the 'Best Supporting Actress' at the 69th Annual Golden Globe Awards on Sunday, January 15, 2012 in your role as "Minny" in the film "The Help!"

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy Bless New Year To All of You!

written by Miriam G. Aw

It's now Year 2012, a number #5 year that depicts freedom of movement, partaking in joyful events, exercising patience by avoiding hasty and impulsive use of words and actions, but equally important, this is the year to think and act "outside-the box" when it comes to seeking employment, starting a business, or revamping your existing business model in order to generate lucrative income!

Granted, most folks will read this and believe that what I say has no validity, nor reason, due to the many decades of hype portrayed in mainstream media that seemingly dictates what you should, or should not do based on what so-called experts in their field of expertise have to say about what to wear, eat, or relationships, just to mention a few.

For far too long, our society have been duped into believing mainstream media reports about the economy, and how it continues to either decline, or rebound, despite what we think or believe what's really going on - especially since it is us who are feeling the brunt of the country's economic woes.

There are statistics being thrown at us left and right with adamant tones that are design to make us believe that whatever is being said regarding anything that affect us, as a whole, should be taken as 'gospel.'  But you and I know that we need to have honesty in reporting.  

How many times have you learned about pertinent information that is beneficial for us to know at a later time when such information was available for us to get at an earlier time?  Especially when such information was already revealed by a so-called friend, relative, congregant member, neighbor, etc., but somehow you got it through 'the grapevine.'  

If no one else told you, please allow me to share with you on what I've been observing for at least 7 to 10 years, and what I've just learned about last week.  

If you are seeking employment, or if you are interested in attending medical school, for example, it will behoove you to check outside the U.S.A., for employment and/or schooling.

Yes, the opportunities of employment and schooling are out there for you to partake in, whether you are single or married with, or without children!

Last Monday (day after Christmas), I met a nice young man in the hospital emergency room.  My husband took ill, and this lovely fella took my husband's EKG.  As always, and at the risk of sounding bias because I love seeing young people, especially young black males, working in the medical profession in any capacity, I asked him which school did he graduate from, and whether if he aspired to go higher in the medical profession.

Come to find out that this young man, whose name is Germaine, attended and graduated from South Carolina State University, which is located in Orangeburg, S.C., and he further his education in Aruba!  Yes child, Aruba!  Well, I was taken back a bit when he went on more about how much he learned, and that there myriad of schools that provide great education, but only if you are up to the task of really wanting to learn without being spoon-fed everything like some spoil rich kid!

In other words, you have to work for what you want, and ask questions if you don't know the answers by using your God-given common sense.  And besides, who cannot learn anything in an environment that provides great weather every step of the way?!?

Out of curiosity, I asked him if he happen to convince, or at best, inform other youngsters who are in his peer group about attending medical school, or any other type of school in Aruba, or in any other part of the Caribbean, and much to my surprise, his answer astounded me, to say the least.

He stated that the majority of the people whom he shared his information with did not express any interest of doing the same, yet they continue to struggle with schools that they are unhappy with as a result of their teachers not giving enough 'instruction' on their class courses, and their extreme displeasure on the cost of books needed for their courses.

Unfortunately, paying through the nose for college books is a normal complaint.  And if you are receiving a grant, most of your grant money goes to paying for the books and tuition, thus leaving practically nothing else for the remaining semester to use for much needed things (i.e., food, gas, apartment, etc.).

Although I cannot provide hard evidence of statistical data for your reading pleasure, I assure you that what I say here is a national problem . . . well, at least that is the problem here in the State of South Carolina.

Personally, it would behoove every young male and female to get their four-year degree at their local, regional, or national college/university, and then further their field of interest in the Caribbean, or some other country that offers superlative education.  There are a host of great schools that offer a lot giving more bang to your buck.  After all, this is a GLOBAL world, and no longer can any of us afford to remain isolated, or ignorant, to facts.

In fact, you can learn a lot about other countries, and what they can offer you by watching one of my favorite programs "House Hunter International," which is a HGTV program (Channel 229 on Directv).  On this program, you will see how so many Americans left their home state, and home town, to live abroad to become gainfully employed, and/or attend school.  

Also, Google Search "Caribbean Medical Schools," where you will find a list of schools in this part of the world.  You must do your research.  No one else can do it for you.  Take the initiative, and start anew, or renew what you already know.

And if you decide that leaving the States is not your cup-of-tea, then you need to prepare yourself to undergo a major overhaul in your priorities regarding employment, school, money, family, comfortability, and so forth, that will allow you the freedom to enjoy life the way you want it.

With that said, may you have a Happy Bless New Year 2012, and may all of you aspirations are fulfilled, and your dreams realized with good spirits.

Peace & Blessings,


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