More Americans Than Forecast File for Jobless Benefits
Jobless claims decreased by 2,000 to 387,000 in the week ended June 16, Labor Department figures showed today in Washington. The median forecast of 45 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News called for 383,000. The four-week average, a less volatile measure, climbed to the highest of the year.
Suit says Hebrew National isn't kosher; ConAgra says without merit
ConAgra says that a lawsuit claiming its Hebrew National products aren't kosher is without merit. (ConAgra screenshot)
ConAgra Foods Inc., the company that makes Hebrew National hot dogs and other meats, said a lawsuit questioning the product’s kosher status is “without merit.”
The complaint, filed in federal court in Minnesota, claims that Hebrew National charges high prices for a designation that it doesn’t deserve.
The suit, filed by 11 consumers and seeking class action status, accuses ConAgra of using dirty animals for its meats. Kosher standards demand healthy and clean livestock.
Why it matters that 'House Hunters' is fake
Kathleen Finch, senior vice president and general manager of HGTV. (June 18, 2012)
From bait-and-switch marriage proposals to wig-pulling, cocktail-tossing catfights, it's safe to say we've grown accustomed to absurd contrivance and scripting in "reality" television. But who would expect such dramatic puppet-mastering on HGTV?
Apparently we all should have. Earlier this month on the website Hooked on Houses, former "House Hunters" participant Bobi Jensen called the show a sham. Jensen writes that the HGTV producers found her family's plan to turn their current home into a rental property "boring and overdone," and therefore crafted a narrative about their desperation for more square footage. What's more, producers only agreed to feature Jensen's family after they had bought their new house, forcing them to "tour" friends' houses that weren't even for sale to accommodate the trope of "Which one will they choose?"
New 911 Calls Released in Trayvon Martin Case; Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee Fired [AUDIO]
Fundraising goes viral for victim of school bus taunting
ROCHESTER, N.Y. – An online fundraising effort to assist a bus monitor who was verbally abused by students raised more than $85,000 in its first day.
The effort was set in motion by a 10-minute video of profane taunting endured on Monday by bus monitor Karen Klein.
Klein didn't report the behavior and said she figured she had just ended the school year on a bad note.
But one of the kids on the Greece Athena Middle School bus captured the incident on a cellphone camera.
The video was pulled off of Facebook late Tuesday and was posted to You Tube. By early Wednesday, it had gone viral around the world.
In the video, Klein does her best to ignore the harassment.
"I was trying to just ignore them, hoping they would go away, and it doesn't work," Klein said. "Trust me, they didn't go away."
The vile chorus included profanity, taunts, insults, jeers, physical ridicule and outright threats to Klein's person and home.
You've seen our stunning planet, but never quite like this.
(Photo: Electro-L Satellite)
Sure, you may have seen NASA’s epic photograph of the spinning blue marble we call home. But unlike that snapshot, which was actually a composite image, a new 121-megapixel photograph making the rounds is a single-shot.
It was snapped by a new Russian weather satellite, the Electro-L, reports Gizmodo.
Israel says clock ticking after Iran talks fail
Israel has responded to the failure of the latest nuclear talks between world powers and Iran with a familiar refrain: sanctions must be ramped up while the clock ticks down toward possible military action.Syrian air force pilot defects in fighter jet to Jordan
Jordan says a Syrian air force pilot has flown his Mig-21 fighter jet to the kingdom and asked for political asylum, the Associated Press reports.
"The jetfighter landed at 10:45am and the government is currently considering the pilot's request," Jordanian Minister of State for Information Samih al-Maaytah told The Jordan Times Thursday without elaborating further.
Reuters quotes al-Maaytah as saying the "is being debriefed at the moment."
Reuters says Syrian state television identified the pilot as Col. Hassan Hamada, reporting that he was on a training mission near the border when communications with the plane were lost.
Governor: Oracle's Ellison to buy most of an Hawaiian island
HONOLULU – Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has reached a deal to buy 98% of the island of Lanai from its current owner, Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie said Wednesday.Blacks Miss Out as Jobs Rebound in New York City
For months now, New York officials have been highlighting how the city has regained all the jobs lost during the long recession and then some. But by several measures, the city’s recovery has left black New Yorkers behind.Ángel Franco/The New York Times
Kevin Starkes, right, who lives in the South Bronx,
said he had been trying for about 10 weeks to find work as an
More than half of all of African-Americans and other non-Hispanic blacks
in the city who were old enough to work had no job at all this year,
according to an analysis of employment data compiled by the federal Labor Department.
And when black New Yorkers lose their jobs, they spend a full year, on
average, trying to find new jobs — far longer than New Yorkers of other
Nationally, the employment outlook for blacks has begun to brighten:
there were about one million more black Americans with jobs in May than
there were a year earlier, according to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.
But that is not the case in New York City, where the decline in
employment since the recession began here, in 2008, has been much
steeper for blacks than for white or Hispanic residents, said James
Parrott, chief economist for the Fiscal Policy Institute, a liberal research group.
Study Shows Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan Budget Is Real Class Warfare
So, finally we have it. The Republican "Tax Cut Plan" in all its glory.
Mitt Romney and his Republican colleagues were intent on putting forth what they thought would be a nice series of tax cuts and popular, new, simple, reduced tax brackets.
This is not actually reducing the burden on middle class families, it is increasing it. A new Joint Economic Committee Study exposes this sham of a plan. Making President George W. Bush's tax cuts permanent and further reducing the top rate to 25 percent is truly class warfare, Robin Hood in reverse, stick it to the middle class. The fact is that to close the so-called loopholes and get rid of the credits, many of which help the middle class, we are seeing a further redistribution of wealth to the wealthy.
The Romney-Ryan plan would increase taxes on wage earners who make between $50,000 to $100,000 by $1,300. It would increase taxes on those who make between $100,000 to $200,000 by $2,600. Another great idea for taking us back to the Bush-era, on steroids.
If you make between $500,000 and $1 million, you get another nice check for $35,000—go buy a new car or a big diamond ring. And if you happen to make over a million dollars, the average redistribution of wealth comes to an unbelievable $285,000.
What Are Friends For? Your Good Health, Maybe
Silly as it sounds, living by yourself carries a small if obvious danger. When family members and roommates are around, they can intervene in a medical emergency. Being on your own means that, well, you're on your own.
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