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Monday, September 24, 2012

Update: Facebook Confirms No Private Messages Appearing On Timeline. They’re Old Wall Posts.

Updated. Some Facebook users are seeing private messages written in 2009 and earlier showing up on viewable Timelines as messages “Posted by friends.”

TechCrunch has investigated more, and we have found no evidence that the allegedly exposed posts were actually private messages. Our Facebook specialist Josh Constine found that email receipts show allegedly exposed messages were in fact wall posts, and the posts do not appear in users’ Facebook Messages inbox.
Facebook also says in no uncertain terms that there is absolutely no privacy bug. What people are seeing are old Wall postings, not private messages. A spokesperson told Constine:
“Every report we’ve seen, we’ve gone back and checked. We haven’t seen one report that’s been confirmed [of a private message being exposed]. A lot of the confusion is because before 2009 there were no likes and no comments on wall posts. People went back and forth with wall posts instead of having a conversation [in the comments of single wall post.]“

FacebookFacebook private message rumour is 'false', site says

Rumours, which appeared to originate in France, spread quickly on social media

A rumour that Facebook users' private messages were appearing on public timelines is false, the firm has said. 

Some users, mostly in France, reported that "private messages" sent between 2007-2009 were suddenly public.

However, Facebook told the BBC: "[The] messages were older wall posts that had always been visible on the users' profile pages.

Pediatricians: Bounce Trampolines From Homes To Protect Kids

Eric Wiltz cavorts on a  trampoline in New Orleans in  2010. Everything is fun and games on the backyard attractions until someone gets hurt, a leading group of pediatricians says.
Sean Gardner/Getty Images
Eric Wiltz cavorts on a trampoline in New Orleans in 2010. Everything is fun and games on the backyard attractions until someone gets hurt, a leading group of pediatricians says.

Parents, have you somehow missed the YouTube videos of trampoline accidents?

There's the one of the kid who knocks his front teeth out trying a trampoline-assisted slam dunk. A whole bunch that show knuckleheads jumping from roofs then bouncing every which way and hitting the ground.

And then there are the videos of a big kid bouncing a small kid into oblivion.

Yes, it's true that trampoline injuries to kids are down from their peak in 2004. But they're still pretty common — around 98,000 injuries in 2009.

So the leading group of pediatricians is out with a sterner warning than ever, telling parents, "the home use of trampolines is strongly discouraged." The latest statement appears in the journal Pediatrics. Previous warnings were issued in 1977, 1981 and 1999.

OK, trampolines can be a blast — until somebody gets hurt.

"Unfortunately, the very forces that make trampoline use fun for many children also lead to unique injury mechanisms and patterns of injury," the doctors write.

There are about 3,000 trampoline-related hospitalizations of kids a year. Sprained ankles are the most common injuries, but there are lots of fractures and dislocations, too. Head and spine injuries from falls and flips can be catastrophic.

Tenants of Diego Beekman Houses now guaranteed affordable rent for decades

Thanks to $19 million investment by pension funds, Mott Haven housing complex survived, now will thrive

 Jose de Diego Beekman Houses in Mott Haven

Angel Chevrestt for New York Daily News

Jose de Diego Beekman Houses in Mott Haven

After successfully taking on druglords and slumlords, it looks like the gutsy tenants of the Jose de Diego Beekman Houses in Mott Haven have yet another reason to celebrate.

City Controller John Liu announced last week that rents at the 1,231-unit housing complex will remain affordable for decades to come, thanks to a $19 million investment....

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Contracting company tied to bribery scandal won multimillion-dollar job to build Donald Trump golf course in Bronx

MFM Contracting's sister company at heart of bribes-for-contracts indictment in 2010

Viorel Florescu for New York Daily News

Future site of Donald Trump golf course in Bronx. A construction firm tied to bribery scandal won multimillion contract to build course.

In March, the city Parks Department hired MFM Contracting. MFM’s partners own a sister company that was at the heart of bribes-for-contracts indictment in 2010, records show....

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